About HaiYang Cultural Arts & Development Center
Mr. Yu Shu-Huai is a qualified and professional dance instructor with over 30 years of teaching experience. He is very passionate about dancing and teaching; during years of his teaching career he has coached and trained many dance students to greater achievements and win acclaims in both national and international level performances and competitions.
Mr. Yu is a member of the China Dance Teachers’ Association and has received a national award for “Excellent Dance Teacher” from the organization. He is also a member and registered ballet teacher with the Royal Academy of Dance in London and has for many years sent in students for the RAD Grading Exam with good results. His students had also won the 2004 Australian Ballet Competition (youth category).
Currently he is engaged with the dance groups in organizations, community centres and schools where he choreographs, teaches and trains the students. Students under his coaching have achieved excellent results in various competitions. |
In the 2005 Singapore MediaCorp Children Dance Competition, Mr Yu’s team emerged from over 70 participating teams to be the champion. His Adult Chinese Dance Group has also won Gold Medal in the Senior Citizen Dance Competition (2006). In the 2008 International Dance Competition held in Korea, his team brought back a prestigious “Gold with Honour” award.
Mr Yu has an acclaimed record in coaching the school teams in winning the Gold awards during the biennial Youth Festival competition, and the outstanding award-winning dances are selected to perform during the opening and closing ceremony of the Art Festival.
In April 2009 South View Primary School (which has been under his training for 10 years) won the prestigious Programme for School-Based Excellence Award (PSE) from Ministry of Education Singapore. |
艺术中心总监. 编导简介
于树淮老师是一位资深的专业舞蹈老师,有着多年丰富的教学经验和极强的专业操守,并以科学的方法、严谨的态度教学 - 这些都是于树淮老师恪守的为师宗旨。于树淮老师是国家二级演员,中国舞蹈家教学协会会员,曾获国家授予‘优秀舞蹈指导教练奖‘。
目前于团体及学校内担任舞蹈老师,负责编导和训练。 在每两年一度教育部举办的新加坡青年节舞蹈大赛中他所编导、训练的参赛的学校队伍屡获金奖,水准突出的作品还获选为在艺术节开幕,闭幕礼的演出。在2005年新传媒电视台举办的舞林大赛中,其带领南山小学舞蹈团.亲自编导排练的参赛节目,与参赛的七十多个舞蹈队伍中,经过多轮的淘汰选拔,最终以优异的表演成绩脱颖而出夺得冠军,反响极大。除了学校的舞团,在其领导下的乐龄舞蹈团也多次在国内、国际举办的舞蹈大赛中荣获金奖,大金奖等。其中最近2008年参加在韩国首尔举办的国际舞蹈大赛更是荣获总分第一名之‘最高大金奖‘。